1.It is (OK) to be 15 to 30 minutes late in some areas.
2.In foreign countries, we need to respect local (traditions).
3.I entered a chess (contest) and finished third.
4.He brought his chicken to the (market).
5.I met a childhood friend at the (party).
6.Some often throw a big party to (observe) Christmas here.
7.Students are (required) to sit in the front of the conference hall.
8.John, a tough (man), cried like a baby when he got his lost son back.
9.Jack, the (owner of this house), introduced us to the other guests.
10.Although this idea is very good, not everyone (likes it very much).
Lolita(洛丽塔)原是()作家弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫所著的小说《洛丽塔》的同名女主角,与人到中年的男主角亨伯特有一段无果而终的恋爱。将恋童癖唯美化的“洛丽塔”意象混合了日本二战后独有的“可爱文化”(kawaisa) ,最终在日本发展成为动漫次文化和时尚服饰文化的一个重要组成部分。
[#泠风之文学诗词系列 03]