What key can run itself?
j m b e o r k q h m n p y c g k i n d e o f s l
LEOX寻找宝藏时,迷了路,现在有上下左右4个方向,这时他发现墙上有一些字:BEHIND THE1235831,下面用英语写着:THE KEY IS ON THE BOARD!请问现在他应该往哪个方向走?
My first letter is “z”.My second letter is in “key”,but not in “okay”.I'm the least in number 0-9.What am I?
Three point one four……(猜一成语)
program area_; var base,height,area:real; begin write('base:'); readln(base); write('height:'); readln(height); area:=base*height/2; writeln('area:',area); end.
Key2 Line 154, Entry 3.
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