Gavin lives in Troon, is married to Katie, has children named David and Marie and works as a guide.
Who lives in Stoke, is married to Annie, has children named Rufus and Ellie and works as an actor?
如果: Gavin住在 Troon,老婆叫 Katie,兩個孩子分別叫 David和 Marie,他是個導遊。
那麼:住在 Stoke,老婆叫 Annie,兩個孩子分別叫 Rufus和 Ellie,是個演員的人,他叫什麼呢?
1. Why are giraffes the cheapest to feed?
2. Why are dogs afraid to sunbathe?
3. Why is the pig always eating?
4. Why are politicians no longer concerned with snowball fights?
5. Why don't women get bald as soon as men?
6. What can pierce one's ears without a hole?
7. What's the longest word in the world?
8. Why does time fly?
9. Where can a dog get another tail?