Who is the oldest lunatic on record?
When does a man impose on himself?
What is a good way to get fat?
Why are some women very much like tea-kettles?
Why are hands like Miami?
How many young ladies does it take to reach from New York to Philadelphia?
Why did the boy keep his shirt on when he took a bath?
本题是一个字谜,远比表面看来要古怪。请用N、A、S、T、I、E 6个字母组成一个你所知道的最长的单词。你给出的答案必须是众所周知,而且每个字母不能用两次。
Why is ten afraid of seven?
What five letter English word does not change its pronunciation when four letters are taken away?
Where does afternoon come before morning in the world?
What do lawyers do when they die?律师在他们死的时候会做什么?
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