Cursed treature.Kaweh Duchess built an opulent castle for herself nearby.
Magic attributes are not persistent,Ture love is the greatest magician.
The royal palace lies on a hilltop.King built a moat to encompass it.
Baron will transfer jewels into the golden museum secretly.
The tower was surmounted with the flag pole.
Nasty knights stole paintings from the royal library.
The ice forms early and stays late in northern island.
It brings out creativity isin you because lake has to respond.
公爵之妻加冕為黑紗皇后 白色戰車,生於純潔
真相暗藏於表面忠賢之下 勇往直前,佔據極點
越界被清除,間隙仍存留 素衣主教,親近國王
黑白相分明,故事將開始 巡走三郡,駐守邊疆
黑心騎士,生於陰暗 銀甲國王,淤泥不染
摧毀宮殿,佔領塔樓 三次親征,向前禦敵
烏衣主教,被王疏遠 凌駕領地,化為希望
斜跨四郡,奪取旗幟 寶藏所在,即刻自現
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