【专题 GMAT逻辑题】
The heavy traffic in Masana isa growing drain on the city’s economy-the clogging of the streets of thecentral business district alone cost the economy more than$1.2 billion over thepast year. In order to address this problem, officials plan to introducecongestion pricing, by which drivers would pay to enter the city’s most heavilytrafficked areas during the busiest times of the day.Which ofthe following, if true, would most strongly indicate that the plan will be asuccess?
A.Approximately one-fifth of the vehicles in the central business district are intransit from one side of the city to the other.
B.Planners expect that, without congestion pricing, traffic in Masana is likelyto grow by 6 percent in the next five years.
C. Inother urban areas, congestion pricing has strongly encouraged carpooling(sharing of rides by private commuters).
D.Several studies have shown that a reduction in traffic of 15 percent in Masanacould result in 5, 500 or more new jobs.
E. Over30 percent of the vehicles in the city’s center are occupied by more than oneperson.
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