city light有两个不同的玻璃杯(两个杯子都接近圆柱体),两个都装有一定量的水,A杯的水位比B杯高五厘米。A杯的底部沉没着一个石块,当石块被取出并放入B沉没后,B杯水位上升了五厘米,并且比这时A杯的水位还高十厘米。则得知A杯与B杯的底面积之比为多少?
city light从甲地到乙地,要在线路中换乘,不在两站步行也不往反方向乘坐,每个线路只坐一次,有多少种方式?
Elise was worried. Because of the poor lighting in the dim entry of the ballroom, her worst fears were about to happen: nylons torn and broken heels. Her date was about to nick electrical wires that were sticking out from a light fixture, but Elise pulled him away at the last second.