给你一个数组 A [ 1 .. n ] ,请你在 O ( n ) 的时间里构造一个新的数组 B [ 1 .. n ] ,使得 B [ i ] = A [ 1 ] * A [ 2 ] * ... * A [ n ]/A [ i ] 。你不能使用除法运算。
(给出了一个数列 A [ 1 .. n ] ,要求在较短的时间内不用除法构造一个新数列 B [ 1 .. n ] ,使得 B [i] = A [ 1 ] * A [ 2 ] * ... * A [ n ]/A [ i ] 。 n是这个数组的长度。而 O ( n ) 是评判计算方法速度的标准。如果一个解答方法在n任意变化的情况下,都能满足总共的计算次数相当于是 n 乘以一个常数C这个条件,那么就称这个解答方法是 O ( n ) 的;如果这个解答方法能满足总共的计算次数是 n 2 乘以常数C,那么这个解答方法就被称作是 O ( n 2 ) 的。)
There are five employees--G, H, I, J, and K--in an office. Rumors spread through the office according to the following rules; Rumors can be passed in either direction between J and K. Rumors can be passed from G to H, from H to I, and from I to K. A rumor begun by H that reaches J will be known by all the following employees EXCEPT?